Entertainment and Culture

The Journey to Mars Gets a Lot More “Interesting”

The Journey to Mars Gets a Lot More “Interesting”

OK. So the rocket doesn’t actually have a NASA logo anywhere on it, and the launch site is definitely not Cape Canaveral, but Dos Equis has certainly decided to borrow some very familiar imagery for its commercial featuring Jonathon Goldsmith in his final performance as “The Most Interesting Man in the World.” With its clearly identifiable […]

Did Audi Capture the State of American Space Program in Super Bowl Commercial?

Did Audi Capture the State of American Space Program in Super Bowl Commercial?

Using Apollo imagery in commercials for major sporting events is certainly nothing new. In a 2014 spot for Cadillac, which played throughout the Winter Olympics, we left the keys in the lunar lander cause we had been there, done that and were “bored.” Besides, we were “the only ones going back.” It was pure braggadocio. Given […]

Enter The Expanse: Actual Sci-Fi on SyFy

Enter The Expanse: Actual Sci-Fi on SyFy

It doesn’t take place “a long time ago” nor in a galaxy “far, far away,” but if your interests run towards what a future in space might look like in a universe where the limitations of science (and plot points) actually count for something, SyFy’s The Expanse is easily the run away hit of an overhyped […]

New Stars Wars Trailer

New Stars Wars Trailer

The NFL probably owes an apology to anyone who felt compelled to sit through the first half of a badly played Monday Night game to catch a glimpse of the new Star Wars trailer. In case you were smarter than that, or just enjoy competent football, here it is.  

Enterprise D As Never Experienced Before

Enterprise D As Never Experienced Before

Over the weekend, an NPR story on technology ended with the assertion that in the very near future, denying people access to virtual worlds would soon come to be viewed as repressing a fundamental human right. Absurd yes? Fresh air, sunshine, the sea; who could possibly become some enraptured in virtual creations that losing them would […]

7-Mile To-Scale Model of the Solar System in the Nevada Desert
By 2015.09.18 1 Comments Read More →

7-Mile To-Scale Model of the Solar System in the Nevada Desert

It’s a big, beautiful world!

Not Too Early For Christmas: Star Wars Trailer #2

Not Too Early For Christmas: Star Wars Trailer #2

Image Credit: Lucasfilm 2015 : Year of the X-Wings?            

Leonard Nimoy, Spock and the Rationale for Space Exploration

Leonard Nimoy, Spock and the Rationale for Space Exploration

Some personal thoughts on the passing of Leonard Nimoy When news of Leonard Nimoy’s death broke on February 27th, it set off an avalanche of messages on social media mourning the loss of a man who at times struggled to separate himself from the role which defined his public perception. Yet for many who responded […]

Klingon Ale is Beaming into a Beer Aisle Near You

Klingon Ale is Beaming into a Beer Aisle Near You

Following the Earthly introduction of Vulcan Ale in 2013, the Federation of Beer announced this week its newest Star Trek licensed product, Warnog Klingon Ale. The new beer, which is a Dunkelweizen incorporating a rye malt, is described a having a “flavor profile which is both unique and familiar” with “an aroma of “mild bananas […]

Entering COSMOS

Entering COSMOS

1980’s classic PBS series COSMOS rebooted across Fox networks Sunday evening.  Beginning with an introduction by President Obama, and the voice of the late Carl Sagan himself delivering the opening lines from the original episode “the cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be,” a new generation has the opportunity to […]
