Entertainment and Culture

Live Long and Be “Wello”: Another “Tri-Corder” Hits the Market

Live Long and Be “Wello”: Another “Tri-Corder” Hits the Market

  It’s beginning to become difficult to keep track of all the existing or proposed IPhone devices which the media compares to Star Trek’s iconic tri-corders. Now you can add Wello to the list, a basic medical scanner built into an IPhone case, coming soon for Android phones as well.

The Worf of Wall Streeet

The Worf of Wall Streeet

Words would only get in the way  

The Pull of “Gravity”

The Pull of “Gravity”

Although it did not take home the award for Best Picture, an honor which went to “12 Years a Slave,” and Sandra Bullock missed out on the Best Actress award, the space based movie “Gravity” enjoyed a dominating night at the Academy Awards, winning in seven categories, including Best Director for Alfonso Cuarón. NASA seems […]

Yes Virginia, There is a D.D. Harriman: National Space Society Awards Elon Musk Heinlein Memorial Award

Yes Virginia, There is a D.D. Harriman: National Space Society Awards Elon Musk Heinlein Memorial Award

Perhaps no single author has made a greater contribution to the spirit and drive of space exploration than Robert A. Heinlein. Amongst the formative trio of Asimov, Clarke and Heinlein, it was the latter’s vision of free-wheeling, libertarian future in space populated by characters such Lazarus Long and  Delos D. Harriman which has inspired astronauts, […]

The Five Year Mission Goes On: Star Trek Continues

The Five Year Mission Goes On: Star Trek Continues

In terms of the culture of space exploration, and what it will take to become a true space faring society, there is probably nothing that compares to the unique and enduring legacy of Star Trek. And while the original series has been re-imagined in two commercially successful movies, the iconic show has been off the […]

Cadillac’s Curious Take on the Moon

Cadillac’s Curious Take on the Moon

Equating a product with the Apollo program and America’s signature accomplishment in the Moon landing is hardly unusual, and in this regard Cadillac is no different.  A  new commercial featuring actor Neal McDonough as a hard driving, over achieving American seems to mirror the current Administration’s somewhat ambivalent attitude towards the Moon. When the White […]
