Atlas V Launches NASA’s TDRS-K Satellite

Atlas V Launches NASA’s TDRS-K Satellite

Powered by its Russian built RD-180 main engine, a United Launch Alliance  Atlas V 401 launched NASA’s TDRS-K communications satellite into orbit Wednesday evening, in a picture perfect liftoff from Cape Canaveral.  The 401, which is the simplest version of the booster, departed right on time at 8:48 PM EST, ultimately placing the Boeing built satellite into a geosynchronous transfer […]

Posted in: NASA
NASA TDRS-K, Korean KSLV Scheduled for January 30th Launch

NASA TDRS-K, Korean KSLV Scheduled for January 30th Launch

Two launches are scheduled for Wednesday, January 30th. First up is the Korean KSLV, also dubbed Naro-3, which will be making its third attempt, following delays from October 26 and November 29.  The launch is scheduled for a time frame between 3:55  and 7:30 PM KST,  (14 hours ahead of U.S. EST)  with the precise […]
