Tag: reusable launch vehicles

SpaceX Grasshopper Climbs Another Step on the Stairway to the Heavens

SpaceX Grasshopper Climbs Another Step on the Stairway to the Heavens

Video : SpaceX Grasshopper performs another test flight, reaching a peak altitude of 820 feet, tripling its previous public record and holding  station in high winds. Looking back from some future point in time, when the humanity has established itself as a multi planet species, historians are going question  just why it was that in the post Shuttle era,  NASA, the Air […]

Fifty Years Ago Today : Nuclear War and the Importance of Becoming a Multi-Planet Civilization

Fifty Years Ago Today : Nuclear War and the Importance of Becoming a Multi-Planet Civilization

Fifty ears ago today, the American people, and indeed the rest of the world, learned that humanity was under the distinct and very real threat of sudden, immediate and total nuclear annihilation when President John F. Kennedy addressed the nation regarding the unfolding Cuban Missile Crisis. While the crisis  was ultimately resolved peacefully, events might just have easily taken a different, unimaginably tragic […]
