Tag: Kirk

Star Trek: Axanar Warps Past Kickstarter Goals (But you can still support it)

Star Trek: Axanar Warps Past Kickstarter Goals (But you can still support it)

Increasingly often we report on new space projects funded or performed either in full or in part by crowd sourcing. It is perhaps only appropriate that one of the most powerful sources of inspiration for many in the space community, as well as in popular culture, is the subject of its own Kickstarter campaign. Star […]

Entering COSMOS

Entering COSMOS

1980’s classic PBS series COSMOS rebooted across Fox networks Sunday evening.  Beginning with an introduction by President Obama, and the voice of the late Carl Sagan himself delivering the opening lines from the original episode “the cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be,” a new generation has the opportunity to […]

The Five Year Mission Goes On: Star Trek Continues

The Five Year Mission Goes On: Star Trek Continues

In terms of the culture of space exploration, and what it will take to become a true space faring society, there is probably nothing that compares to the unique and enduring legacy of Star Trek. And while the original series has been re-imagined in two commercially successful movies, the iconic show has been off the […]

Nexus Anyone? Another Remarkable Image from the European Southern Observatory

Nexus Anyone? Another Remarkable Image from the European Southern Observatory

If you think about it,  the common expression “you can’t make this stuff up”  is more often than not a wholly inaccurate and long-winded way of saying   “wow.”  The universe of things we can’t make up is presumably pretty confined, but then again, not really knowable is it? Human beings in fact regularly “make up” all sorts of things,  much of which […]
