Tag: Earth

With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

Of all the stunning real-life images of deep space captured by the telescopes of the European Southern Observatory, this artist’s impression may be the most profound. As expected, the ESO held a press conference at its headquarters in Munich, Germany yesterday to announce that its researchers have indeed discovered a near Earth sized planet orbiting […]

Asteroid 2016 HO3, Earth’s Other, Distant Mini-Moon

Asteroid 2016 HO3, Earth’s Other, Distant Mini-Moon

Last week, astronomers announced the discovery of a small “quasi satellite” of Earth, asteroid 2016 HO3, which is locked into a rather rare orbit which has it circling our planet at a variable distance in a dance between the Earth and the Sun. While not totally stable, it could last for some time. The complete […]

Posted in: Asteroids
Birth of a New Earth: Will We Still Be Around to See It Turn 16?

Birth of a New Earth: Will We Still Be Around to See It Turn 16?

In the best image of its kind to date, ESO’s ALMA captures a protoplanetary disc around the star TW Hydrae, revealing the telltale signature of rings and gaps that indicate planets are in the process of formation. Press Release From the European Southern Observatory: The star TW Hydrae is a popular target of study for […]

7-Mile To-Scale Model of the Solar System in the Nevada Desert
By 2015.09.18 1 Comments Read More →

7-Mile To-Scale Model of the Solar System in the Nevada Desert

It’s a big, beautiful world!

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Nature.com unveils new research (and a map) revealing our place in the universe. They call it Laniakea, which means “immeasurable heaven” in Hawaiian. Video helps.  

Posted in: Uncategorized
The Best Show on Tonight: Mars

The Best Show on Tonight: Mars

Mars will be at its brightest since December 2007 this evening, as humanity’s home planet, and our next one,  come into “opposition,” directly lined up with the sun. If you have a telescope, (and clear skies) even the polar ice cap is plainly discernible. Earthsky.org has an informative article in the relationship between the two […]

Posted in: Mars