Tag: COTS 2/3

SpaceX Thanksgiving Day Launch Attempt Aborted at T plus 2 Seconds

SpaceX Thanksgiving Day Launch Attempt Aborted at T plus 2 Seconds

It was back to the hanger for SpaceX, as the second attempt to launch the Falcon  9 SES-8 mission made it all the way through a smooth countdown and right up until the moment of engine ignition when launch computers aborted the count at t plus 2 seconds.  After going back into a hold to […]

Posted in: SpaceX
SpaceX Prepares To Try Again

SpaceX Prepares To Try Again

After changing out a troublesome valve, SpaceX prepares for its second launch attempt for COTS 2/3. It is interesting to note that even with 9 engines clustered around the base of a what is not a large launch vehicle, SpaceX was once again able to effect repairs in short amount of time. While everyone concerned would have preferred […]
