Tag: abort

Blue Origin Pulls Off a Stunner, Recovers New Shepard Booster and Capsule in Dramatic Escape Test

Blue Origin Pulls Off a Stunner, Recovers New Shepard Booster and Capsule in Dramatic Escape Test

After sitting out a one-day delay due to weather conditions in West Texas, Blue Origin conducted a much anticipated in-flight abort test of its New Shepard rocket and capsule this morning, stunning the aerospace world with a successful recovery of both elements. The capsule recovery, which was after all the point of the test, came […]

Posted in: Blue Origin
Blue Origin Teases Upcoming In-Flight Abort Test for New Shepard

Blue Origin Teases Upcoming In-Flight Abort Test for New Shepard

In his latest newsletter, Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos teases an upcoming in-flight escape test of the New Shepard capsule aboard the similarly named booster. While there is not an announced date, Bezos says it will take place in early October, and will be broadcast for your “viewing pleasure.” The test, which is described in […]

Posted in: Blue Origin
Boeing CST-100 / Starliner Schedule Slip

Boeing CST-100 / Starliner Schedule Slip

SpaceX may now be in the pole position to be the first company to launch astronauts to orbit under NASA’s Commercial Crew contract. According to a report in GeekWire, Boeing has announced a slip, albeit a brief one, in its Starliner test schedule as the company works though several issues in getting its capsule ready […]

Highlights From SpaceX FISO Presentation

Highlights From SpaceX FISO Presentation

SpaceX lead astronaut Garrett Reisman gave a presentation to NASA’s Future In-Space Operations (FISO) working group on Wednesday. The presentation, entitled “Commercial Spaceflight” is available here in PDF on the FISO archives. The audio is here. While the talk does not reveal any significant new developments, it did shed a little more light on a […]

Posted in: Uncategorized
SpaceX Orbcomm Launch Attempt Scrubbed

SpaceX Orbcomm Launch Attempt Scrubbed

SpaceX is feeling the pressure, or more accurately, the lack of sufficient pressure. In what is turning out to its most frustrating launch campaign since the days on Kwajalein, SpaceX was forced to scrub today’s planned flight of the Orbcomm OG2 mission after receiving indications that pressures were falling off in the Falcon 9 second […]

Posted in: SpaceX
SpaceX Environmental Assessment Reveals a Sky Full of Dragons

SpaceX Environmental Assessment Reveals a Sky Full of Dragons

Map of proposed Dragonfly test area. Credit : FAA One week ahead of a scheduled unveiling of the Commercial Crew Dragon 2.0 spacecraft which is to take place on May 29, a draft environmental assessment published by the FAA sheds a wealth of information regarding the new testing program which will support it. In short […]
