Tag: telescope

ESO Signs Contract for World’s Largest Telescope

ESO Signs Contract for World’s Largest Telescope

  Whenever possible, Innerspace likes to end the work week with an another in the steady stream of image releases from the European Southern Observatory, which operates a series of ground based facilities in Chile’s Atacama desert. Earlier this week, ESO issued an organizational announcement which means the images are only going to keep getting […]

Water Ice Clouds Detected on Brown Dwarf 7.3 Light Years Away

Water Ice Clouds Detected on Brown Dwarf 7.3 Light Years Away

Artists Conception : Credit Rob Gizis, CUNY BMCC An astronomer at Penn State University appears to discovered the first ever direct evidence of water ice clouds on another world.  That world is WISE J0855-0714, an enigmatic brown dwarf of “failed star” located only 7.3 light years from Earth. The discovery was made using images from […]

NASA Research at South Pole Reveals Gravitational Waves, Birth of the Universe

NASA Research at South Pole Reveals Gravitational Waves, Birth of the Universe

  NASA/JPL News Story March 17, 2014 Astronomers are announcing today that they have acquired the first direct evidence that gravitational waves rippled through our infant universe during an explosive period of growth called inflation. This is the strongest confirmation yet of cosmic inflation theories, which say the universe expanded by 100 trillion trillion times, […]

Posted in: Space Science
Planetary Resources Kickstarter Campaign Takes Off

Planetary Resources Kickstarter Campaign Takes Off

In what is already turning out to be one of the more fascinating space oriented crowdsourcing efforts yet seen, Planetary Resources introduced what amounts to a public access prototype of its planned Arkyd space telescopes at a press conference yesterday.   The broadcast started late, was horribly garbled, and at times seemed more like the sort […]
