Io’s Where to Go When the Volcano Blows

Io’s Where to Go When the Volcano Blows

While NASA’s Juno spacecraft is just getting settled in for its stay in orbit around the solar system’s largest planet, a new study based on information from ground based instruments sheds light on how Jupiter’s gravity and shadow affect one of its moons. Perhaps one of the most tortured bodies in the solar system, Io’s […]

Posted in: Outer Planets
Revelling in Pluto’s Etherial Beauty

Revelling in Pluto’s Etherial Beauty

Ostensibly we go, or send our machines, out into space for the advancement of science. It is a goal NASA’s New Horizon’s mission to the Pluto – Charon system has clearly achieved and then some. As the quality of imaging systems has vastly improved over earlier missions however, what continues to delight and to invoke […]

Posted in: NASA, Outer Planets