Tag: supernova

A Valentine’s Tragedy Written in the Stars

A Valentine’s Tragedy Written in the Stars

Artists Impression of Stellar Fatal Attraction / Image Credit : ESO From the European Southern Observatory: “Astronomers using ESO facilities in combination with telescopes in the Canary Islands have identified two surprisingly massive stars at the heart of the planetary nebula Henize 2-428. As they orbit each other the two stars are expected to slowly […]

Chandra Captures Pulsar’s Dramatic Escape from Supernova

Chandra Captures Pulsar’s Dramatic Escape from Supernova

NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory has seen a fast-moving pulsar escaping from a supernova remnant while spewing out a record-breaking jet – the longest of any object in the Milky Way galaxy — of high-energy particles. The pulsar, a type of neutron star, is known as IGR J11014-6103. IGR J11014-6103’s peculiar behavior can likely be traced […]

Posted in: Space Science