Korean Satellite Calls Home

Korean Satellite Calls Home

Source: Chosun Ilbo South Korea’s aerospace industry achieved a significant milestone with the January 30 launch of its Korean Space Launch Vehicle (KSLV),  dubbed NARO-3.  In order to consider the mission a complete success however,  the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology still needed to verify that the 220 lb STSAT-2c satellite had weathered its ride into space well and […]

Third Try is the Charm for South Korea’s Launch Vehicle

Third Try is the Charm for South Korea’s Launch Vehicle

After two previous launch failures and two scrubs on this flight,  South Korea achieved its first orbital launch earlier today when its KSLV launch vehicle , also called Naro-3 lifted off from the spaceport for which it is named.  Carrying a small research satellite,  STSAT-2C,  the two stage rocket lifted off from the launchpad at 4:00 PM KST and made […]
