Tag: Spitzer

Trio of NASA Telescopes Combine to Find Water Vapor and Clear Skies on Exo-Planet

Trio of NASA Telescopes Combine to Find Water Vapor and Clear Skies on Exo-Planet

Artists Concept: Image Concept NASA/JPL-Caltech JPL News Story: Astronomers using data from three of NASA’s space telescopes — Hubble, Spitzer and Kepler — have discovered clear skies and steamy water vapor on a gaseous planet outside our solar system. The planet is about the size of Neptune, making it the smallest planet from which molecules […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
NASA’s Spitzer Telescope Captures Cosmic Billiards

NASA’s Spitzer Telescope Captures Cosmic Billiards

Artist’s impression of cosmic billiards around NGC 2547-ID.  Credit: NASA JPL-CalTech NASA/JPL News Story: August 28, 2014 NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has spotted an eruption of dust around a young star, possibly the result of a smashup between large asteroids. This type of collision can eventually lead to the formation of planets. Scientists had been […]

Crowd Sourced Science:  The Milky Way Project

Crowd Sourced Science: The Milky Way Project

NASA / JPL recently released Clouds, a new on-line “game”  which is a part of the Milky Way Project ,  a science initiative which seeks to refine some of the vast quantity of observations made by the Spitzer Space telescope and ESA’s Hershel Space Observatory.  One of the common emerging themes in space science is that the capacity to […]
