Tag: space telescope

A Planet for Every Star (And Then Some)

A Planet for Every Star (And Then Some)

Source: JPL News Release Astronomers are rapidly closing in on the rather intriguing conclusion that there is on average at least one planet for every star in the Milky Way Galaxy  and probably a lot more than that.  The numbers are straighforward, but staggering. Approximately 100 billion stars give or take, yields a planetary count in the hundreds […]

B612 Foundation Announces First Private Deep Space Telescope

B612 Foundation Announces First Private Deep Space Telescope

Thursday morning, the B612 foundation will formally announce a mission to launch the first privately funded science mission to deep space, a telescope launched into solar orbit and tasked with searching the inner solar system for Near Earth Asteroids. The goal is to identify and map the trajectories of NEA’s in the inner solar system to […]
