Tag: space station

Paragon Wins NASA SBIR Award With Implications for Propellant Depots

Paragon Wins NASA SBIR Award With Implications for Propellant Depots

Press Release: Paragon Space Development Corporation® Wins NASA Phase II For Cryogenic Fluid Management Technology TUCSON, AZ (March 21, 2016) – Paragon Space Development Corporation® (Paragon) and partner Thin Red Line Aerospace (TRLA) received a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award from NASA to advance their Cryogenic Encapsulating Launch Shroud and Insulated Upper […]

SpaceX Lands Five More Cargo Missions to ISS in NASA Award

SpaceX Lands Five More Cargo Missions to ISS in NASA Award

  SpaceX has picked up NASA orders for five more commercial resupply missions to the International Space Station, according to an article in Space News. The agreement, which was signed in December, bring the total number of Dragon missions to ISS under the original CRS-1 contract to 20. The original order called for 12 flights, […]

For Sierra Nevada and Dream Chaser, the Chase Goes On

For Sierra Nevada and Dream Chaser, the Chase Goes On

Image Credit: Sierra Nevada Corporation Sierra Nevada Corporation is keeping the “chase” in its Dream Chaser space plane. On March 17th, the company revealed its proposal for an unmanned version of Dream Chaser intended to compete for NASA’s Commercial Resupply Services 2, or CRS-2 contract. Unlike the version put forward under NASA’s Commercial Crew program, […]

Bigelow’s BEAM Gettting Closer to Flight

Bigelow’s BEAM Gettting Closer to Flight

NASA’s Wlliam Gerstenmaier,  associate administrator for human exploration and operations, along with director of advanced exploration systems Jason Crusan, views BEAM at the Bigelow facility in North Las Vegas. Image Credit: Stephanie Schierholz NASA and Bigelow Aerospace held a media event on Thursday to highlight preparations for the launch of the Bigelow Expandable Aerospace Activity […]

Posted in: Uncategorized
Automated Sample Return from ISS: The Terrestrial Return Vehicle

Automated Sample Return from ISS: The Terrestrial Return Vehicle

Image Credit: Intuitive Machines Last month,  CASIS, the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, the organization which operates the U.S. National Laboratory aboard the International Space Station, announced agreements on six new unsolicited proposals designed to improve the quality of science being performed aboard the Station. One in particular stood out, a small […]

Maintaining the International Space Station Through 2024 : NASA OIG Report

Maintaining the International Space Station Through 2024 : NASA OIG Report

NASA’s Office of Inspector General released a report yesterday outlining several issues facing NASA as it seeks to extent the operating life of the International Space Station from current threshold of 2020, until at least 2024. The good news is that there are no outstanding technical issues which seriously threaten the ability to keep the […]

Posted in: ISS, NASA
China’s 3rd Generation Space Station

China’s 3rd Generation Space Station

Artists’ Concept of a Third Generation Chinese Station. Image Credit Xinhuan.net Following the success of Tiangong 1, China announced last year that after another round of development with the follow on Tiangong 2 station, that it is planning to open up its considerably more advanced third generation station to international astronauts.  Unfortunately, an ongoing ban on […]

Congress Attempts to Shift the Blame for Reliance on Russian Rockets

Congress Attempts to Shift the Blame for Reliance on Russian Rockets

The absolute rift in American space policy, and the embarrassing dysfunction which has been the result, was on full display Thursday in a U.S. House of Representatives Science committee hearing on the FY 2015 budget request featuring testimony by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden.  With the meeting taking place in the face of increased criticism of […]

Posted in: NASA