Tag: settlement

Now Even Pluto May Be Harboring A Subsurface Ocean

Now Even Pluto May Be Harboring A Subsurface Ocean

A new study of Pluto’s massive chasms strongly suggests that the former planet is concealing a liquid water ocean beneath its bizarre and wildly varying surface. From the abstract in Geophysical Research Letters: The New Horizons spacecraft has found evidence for geologic activity on the surface of Pluto, including extensional tectonic deformation of its water […]

Posted in: Outer Planets
Elon Mars Colonization Takeaway: 2016 May Be the Last Year We Don’t Launch Commercial Missions to Mars

Elon Mars Colonization Takeaway: 2016 May Be the Last Year We Don’t Launch Commercial Missions to Mars

During the course of a wide ranging interview on stage at the Code Conference 2016 in Broomfield, Colorado,  SpaceX founder and CTO Elon Musk gave a bit of preview regarding his Mars colonization plans which will be revealed in September at the International Astronautical Congress in Monterrey, Mexico. While he was reluctant to give any […]

Posted in: Mars, SpaceX
Russia Maintaining Long Term Lunar Ambitions

Russia Maintaining Long Term Lunar Ambitions

Despite its current problems, which include a 30% cut in funding over the next decade, and the recently announced delay of its heavy lift launch vehicle plans, the Russian space program is keeping its long term ambitions focused squarely on the Moon. Sergey Krikalev, executive director of Roscosmos State Space Corporation told TASS on April […]

Posted in: Moon, Russian Space
Water Ice on Pluto Portents a Bright Future for Sailing the Solar System

Water Ice on Pluto Portents a Bright Future for Sailing the Solar System

From NASA, comments follow: “New data from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft point to more prevalent water ice on Pluto’s surface than previously thought. This false-color image, derived from observations in infrared light by the Ralph/Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA) instrument, shows where the spectral features of water ice are abundant on Pluto’s surface. It […]

Mars Rover Targets Minerals Mapped from Orbit

Mars Rover Targets Minerals Mapped from Orbit

First drill at Mount Sharp / Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS An interesting NASA News Story on the coordination of work between the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in orbit above the Red Planet and the Curiosity Rover on the ground below. Looking quite a bit down the road, one can see an emerging model of how a notional […]

Posted in: Mars, NASA
A New Iron Age: On Mars

A New Iron Age: On Mars

Image Credit : NASA Sometimes Mars just seems to be begging us to come stay a while. Composites are all the rage on Earth, and perhaps rightfully so. But one planet further out and making use of what is immediately available and our perspective may change somewhat. Take a look at the NASA news story […]

Posted in: Mars