ET: Astronomer Claims Earth is Receiving Signals From 234 Different Sun-Like Star Systems

ET: Astronomer Claims Earth is Receiving Signals From 234 Different Sun-Like Star Systems

The title, as far as formal research papers go, is a fairly innocuous one; Discovery of peculiar periodic spectral modulations in a small fraction of solar type stars, but the claim is a whopper. According to a Canadian astronomer, Earth is currently on the receiving end of laser transmissions from some 234 different star systems, a signal […]

Endless Earths and Alien Megastructures

Endless Earths and Alien Megastructures

It is one of the “oldest” story-lines in science fiction. A ship of intrepid space travelers discover the remains of an incredibly ancient civilization distributed throughout a region of space. Eventually the realization hits, they were the “first ones,” the founders who seeded life throughout the universe. On occasion, Innerspace has suggested that perhaps the […]

Posted in: Space Science
NASA Discovers First Earth Sized Planet in a Habitable Zone

NASA Discovers First Earth Sized Planet in a Habitable Zone

  NASA announced today the discovery of the first Earth sized planet located within the habitable zone of another star. The planet, named Kepler 186F, is orbiting a red dwarf (M) type star approximately 500 light years from Earth. Estimated to be only 10% larger than Earth, Kepler 186F is the outermost planet in a […]

Posted in: Exo Planets