Tag: Senate

Senate Committee Slashes Commercial Crew, Space Technology

Senate Committee Slashes Commercial Crew, Space Technology

Last week, a Senate Appropriations Committee “marked up” the FY 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) bill which funds among other things, NASA.  For supporters of several NASA programs, including Commercial Crew, it was a simply put, a very bad day. Despite repeated impassioned pleas from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden to fully fund Commercial Crew at the requested […]

Hearing “From Here to Mars” is Cordial, but Not Much Mars

Hearing “From Here to Mars” is Cordial, but Not Much Mars

Following what might be called a “testy Tuesday” which saw a contentious hearing featuring NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Congressman Frank Wolf turn personal,   Wednesday brought the arrival of a wave of bipartisanship in both the House and Senate, at least where the nation’s space program is concerned. First, the House Science, Space and Technology […]

Posted in: Congress, Mars