Tag: russian meteor

Another Near Earth Asteroid Discovered

Another Near Earth Asteroid Discovered

With most of NASA having gone dark through the government shutdown, the normally steady flow of information released by the agency’s diverse array of ongoing space probes, as well as ongoing interpretation of data from spacecraft which are no longer active, trickled to a near halt.  On the bright side, as the agency begins to […]

Posted in: Asteroids
ESO Presents : “A Drop of Ink in a Luminous Sky”

ESO Presents : “A Drop of Ink in a Luminous Sky”

After a week  which began with a North Korean nuclear test and ended with a meteor strike over the skies of Russia which NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory now estimates released nearly 500 kilotons of energy,  followed by a near miss with a much larger asteroid why not start off a new week with something a little less ominous,  perhaps another stunning image from the […]
