Tag: Reddit

Musk Reddit AMA on Mars Plans Echo NASA’s Approach to Apollo Decades Ago

Musk Reddit AMA on Mars Plans Echo NASA’s Approach to Apollo Decades Ago

A Sunday “Ask Me Anything” segment on Reddit by SpaceX CEO Founder and CEO Elon Musk filled in some of the details regarding the company’s recently announced Mars plans. It also demonstrated once again the unique nature of SpaceX’s path to its overriding goal and a big picture approach which is strongly reminiscent of the […]

Posted in: Mars, NASA, SpaceX
When SpaceX Met Reddit

When SpaceX Met Reddit

  A team of software engineers took part in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session today.  For those who don’t have a clue what writing software code is actually  like,  (guilty) you still won’t after following the link, but the question and answer session provides an entertaining, funny  and informative look into the work environment at the one company […]

Posted in: SpaceX