Tag: Red Planet

Hubble Captures Glorious New Image of Mars

Hubble Captures Glorious New Image of Mars

NASA has released the above image of Mars, taken  by the Hubble Space Telescope. Although the complete story is included below, it really is worth following this link to see image in full screen. Bright, frosty polar caps, and clouds above a vivid, rust-colored landscape reveal Mars as a dynamic seasonal planet in this NASA […]

Posted in: Mars
Evidence of Possible Life Found in Martian / Moroccon Meteorite

Evidence of Possible Life Found in Martian / Moroccon Meteorite

A Martian meteorite which crashed into the Moroccan Desert in 2011 has yielded tantalizing clues which strongly suggest that it harbored organic material while still on Mars. Named “Tissint” after a town near to where it was discovered following a a fiery nighttime descent, there is no doubt that the meteorite came from Mars, and […]

Posted in: Mars
Rover Looks Back on Mars, NASA Looking Ahead

Rover Looks Back on Mars, NASA Looking Ahead

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ A true color image taken on August 15 NASA is looking back at the Curiosity Rover’s path across Mars today. Meanwhile, perhaps stung by publicity from a Senior Panel Review which questioned the scientific return of the mission, the space agency has scheduled a teleconference for 1:00 pm EDT […]

Posted in: Mars, NASA
NASA Review Suggests Mars Rover is Underachieving

NASA Review Suggests Mars Rover is Underachieving

Image Credit: NASA JPL Remember the “7 minutes of terror?” Apparently it has been followed by two years of boredom. A senior level review of NASA space science missions, a routine procedure in which missions are graded for a series of extensions beyond their original mission, was conducted earlier this year, and it came down […]

Posted in: Mars, NASA
After Multiple Resets, NASA Plans to Reboot Rover Flash Memory

After Multiple Resets, NASA Plans to Reboot Rover Flash Memory

NASA News Story: An increasing frequency of computer resets on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has prompted the rover team to make plans to reformat the rover’s flash memory. The resets, including a dozen this month, interfere with the rover’s planned science activities, even though recovery from each incident is completed within a day or […]

Posted in: Mars
As Uwingo Announces Beam Me to Mars, Curiosity Beams Another Image Back

As Uwingo Announces Beam Me to Mars, Curiosity Beams Another Image Back

Two Mars related stories. First, Uwingo, the crowd-sourced Mars funding site started which is attempting to raise $10 million this year to support research grants for Mars exploration has unveiled a new campaign. According to the announcement: “Uwingu presents the first opportunity for a shout-out from the people of Earth to Mars with personal messages […]

Ten Years Later NASA’s Opportunity Rover is Still Going Strong

Ten Years Later NASA’s Opportunity Rover is Still Going Strong

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ While the flashy new Curiosity rover is celebrating the completion of its first full Martian year,  the much smaller but remarkably resilient Opportunity rover is still going strong in its 10th (Earth) year on Mars.  And as JPL reports, perched on the rim of the Endeavour crater and scoured […]

Posted in: Mars
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Marks One Martian Year

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Marks One Martian Year

NASA’s Curiosity Rover marked one year on the Red Planet today, one Martian year that is, or 687 Earth days. It of course warranted a youtube update which provides a bit of insight into the wheel damage issue which has slowed the rover’s course of progress and challenged the JPL team to develop new driving […]

Posted in: Mars
As NASA Dithers, the Boldly Go Institute Plans Mars Sample Return

As NASA Dithers, the Boldly Go Institute Plans Mars Sample Return

The quickly expanding list of privately funded space ventures added a new name this week, The Boldly Go Institute, and its goals are worthy of the name.  Headlined by Dr. Jon Morse, Dr. Laurie Leshin and Dr. Scott Parazynski, all NASA veterans, the institute seeks to step in where NASA is falling short with big […]
