Tag: red dwarf

With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

With Proxima b Confirmed as Earth’s Nearest Neighbor, Humanity Has a New Destination

Of all the stunning real-life images of deep space captured by the telescopes of the European Southern Observatory, this artist’s impression may be the most profound. As expected, the ESO held a press conference at its headquarters in Munich, Germany yesterday to announce that its researchers have indeed discovered a near Earth sized planet orbiting […]

Potentially Habitable Planets Hiding Around Ultra-Cool Dwarf Stars

Potentially Habitable Planets Hiding Around Ultra-Cool Dwarf Stars

From the ESO: Astronomers using the TRAPPIST telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory have discovered three planets orbiting an ultracool dwarf star just 40 light-years from Earth. These worlds have sizes and temperatures similar to those of Venus and Earth and are the best targets found so far for the search for life outside the […]

NASA Discovers First Earth Sized Planet in a Habitable Zone

NASA Discovers First Earth Sized Planet in a Habitable Zone

  NASA announced today the discovery of the first Earth sized planet located within the habitable zone of another star. The planet, named Kepler 186F, is orbiting a red dwarf (M) type star approximately 500 light years from Earth. Estimated to be only 10% larger than Earth, Kepler 186F is the outermost planet in a […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
Kepler Data Suggests Life Bearing Planets May Be Close

Kepler Data Suggests Life Bearing Planets May Be Close

Source : Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics NASA”s  Kepler space telescope, which is searching for planets transiting across their home stars in one very small segment of the sky has already produced volumes of data and leading to the confirmation of  105 extra solar planets. Now, astronomers using Kepler’s discoveries as a baseline, along with a new […]
