Tag: reboot

After Multiple Resets, NASA Plans to Reboot Rover Flash Memory

After Multiple Resets, NASA Plans to Reboot Rover Flash Memory

NASA News Story: An increasing frequency of computer resets on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has prompted the rover team to make plans to reformat the rover’s flash memory. The resets, including a dozen this month, interfere with the rover’s planned science activities, even though recovery from each incident is completed within a day or […]

Posted in: Mars
ISEE-3 Reboot: Vanguard of New Era of CrowdSourced Exploration

ISEE-3 Reboot: Vanguard of New Era of CrowdSourced Exploration

We’ve seen elements of the story before; a team of experts, some long in the tooth, are put together in order to contact a long derelict spacecraft in hopes of averting disaster. Other times the old probe comes back with a new mission, aka V’Ger or its equally confused predecessor NOMAD. One way or another, […]
