Tag: Putin

A Potential Russian Reduction in ISS Could Imperil U.S. Commercial Progress

A Potential Russian Reduction in ISS Could Imperil U.S. Commercial Progress

Today, two NASA astronauts on the International Space Station installed the International Docking Adapter which was carried to orbit in the trunk of the SpaceX CRS-9 Dragon capsule. With the first of two IDA’s now in place, the Station will be ready to receive U.S. Commercial Crew missions, which could begin with a test flight […]

Not (N)Yet! : Russia’s Inaugural Launch Delayed for 24 hours

Not (N)Yet! : Russia’s Inaugural Launch Delayed for 24 hours

From Tass: “The first launch from the Vostochny spaceport was due to take place at 5:01 a.m. Moscow time (02:01GMT) on Wednesday. Russia’s government commission at the Vostochny spaceport earlier approved of the decision to carry out the launch. The Soyuz-2.1a space rocket was due to put three satellites – Lomonosov, Aist-2D and SamSat-218 – […]

Posted in: Russian Space
(Update) Drama in Space: Russian Progress Freighter Reported Spinning Out of Control

(Update) Drama in Space: Russian Progress Freighter Reported Spinning Out of Control

Liftoff of Progress M-27-M / Image Credit Roscosmos A flurry of reports in Russia new media indicate that yesterday’s launch of the Progress M-27-M resupply freighter to the International Space Station has gone awry, and perhaps badly so. Liftoff took place aboard a Soyuz-2.1a booster from the Baikonour Cosmodome in Kazakhstan at 10:09 AM Moscow […]

Posted in: ISS, Russian Space
SpaceX, ULA and the Delta IV

SpaceX, ULA and the Delta IV

Delta Heavy / Image Credit United Launch Alliance An Innerspace Editorial: In what seems to be becoming something of an annual affair, it was SpaceX versus United Launch Alliance Round earlier this week in Washington D.C. Last year, SpaceX’s Elon Musk and ULA’s Michael Gass squared off against each other in a highly contentious Senate […]

Is Russia Planning Early ISS Exit?

Is Russia Planning Early ISS Exit?

One of the biggest questions to be answered by the International Space Station doesn’t involve mice, plants or 3-d printers. Instead it regards the Station itself, its lifespan and ultimate disposition. Currently funded through 2020 with agreement on the part of all the International Partners; the U.S., Russia, ESA, Japan and Canada, what comes after […]

Will Russia Require NASA to Acknowledge Crimea Capture?

Will Russia Require NASA to Acknowledge Crimea Capture?

Long time Russian space observer James Oberg has penned a very interesting article at NBCnews.com which suggests that Russia is subtly attempting to get the U.S. government to acknowledge its absorption of the Crimea by shifting some mandatory cosmonaut training to that region. From the article: “Shifting the survival training to Russian-occupied Crimea will require […]

Posted in: Uncategorized
Russian Angara Lifts Off In Test of Post Soviet Era Rocket Technology

Russian Angara Lifts Off In Test of Post Soviet Era Rocket Technology

Russia’s long awaited Angara booster lifted off today on a suborbital test flight which carried with it the hopes of a revival in the Russian launch industry after years decades of reliance on Soviet era boosters.  The Angara 1.2PP or ML (Maiden Launch) Integrated Launch Vehicle (ILV) lifted off from the far northern Plesetsk cosmodrome […]

SpaceX and ULA Offer Competing Views in Senate Hearing

SpaceX and ULA Offer Competing Views in Senate Hearing

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee held a sub-committee hearing this morning to examine changes taking place in the Department of Defense Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Program (EELV.) Prior to today’s hearing, the GAO released a report regarding cost accounting in the EELV program, and like a number of prior reports it leaves the clear impression […]

Posted in: EELV
Is Russia Following SpaceX’s Lead on Dragon?

Is Russia Following SpaceX’s Lead on Dragon?

Anatoly Zak has an interesting story about Russia’s planned successor to the Soyuz crew capsule on his site Russianspaceweb.com, and as usual it provides a wealth of information.  What is particularly intriguing about new spacecraft,  labelled PTK NK,  is the fact it is currently being designed to make propulsive landings much like the SpaceX Dragon, which it somewhat resembles.   One key […]
