India Completes its Satellite Navigation Constellation

India Completes its Satellite Navigation Constellation

On Thursday, an Indian PSLV rocket successfully deployed the seventh and final satellite in the nation’s IRNSS satellite navigation system. In accomplishing the task, India joins the U.S., Russia, China and Europe as the world’s fifth space power to pass this threshold, adding to the growing list of achievements by the rapidly rising space power. […]

Posted in: India Space
A Brewing Battle Over the Small Launch Industry

A Brewing Battle Over the Small Launch Industry

There is a small, but potentially significant battle brewing between would-be launch providers in one segment of the rocket industry which has seen little development in recent years. How it plays out may say quite a bit about the degree to which the aerospace establishment is seeking to maintain its base wherever it can, and […]

India Aims to Double Launch Rate, Work With NASA on Mars Mission

India Aims to Double Launch Rate, Work With NASA on Mars Mission

The Indian space program was on display yesterday at the week long “Make In India” event being held in Mumbai to highlight that nation’s transition into a rising technological and economic powerhouse. ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organization took the opportunity meet with suppliers in conjunction with its plans to largely privatize operations of its […]

Posted in: India Space
30 In a Row: India’s PSLV Launches Space Observatory, Spire Cubesats

30 In a Row: India’s PSLV Launches Space Observatory, Spire Cubesats

India conducted the 31st flight of its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) earlier today in a mission which boosted that nation’s first space observatory, ASTROSAT, as well as four uniquely named cubesats for U.S. based Spire. The PSLV flew in its heavy configuration, the XL version which includes six solid strap-on boosters and lifted off […]

Posted in: CubeSats, India Space
India Begins Coundown to Important GSLV Launch

India Begins Coundown to Important GSLV Launch

India has started the countdown towards a planned Thursday liftoff of its Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, or GSLV rocket. Scheduled at 4:52 PM India Standard Time (7:32 AM EDT) from the the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, the GSLV will be carrying GSAT-6, a 2117 kg communications satellite to geostationary transfer […]

Posted in: India Space
India’s PSLV Blazes Its Own Path to Space

India’s PSLV Blazes Its Own Path to Space

PSLV C-28 Lifts Off : Image Credit ISRO As many in the U.S. ponder the immediate future of commercial space launch industry in the aftermath of SpaceX’s surprising failure on the NASA CRS-7 mission to the International Space Station, rising space power India has taken another small but significant step in expanding its own commercial capabilities. On […]

Posted in: India Space, PSLV
India’s PSLV Conducts 25th Consecutive Successful Launch

India’s PSLV Conducts 25th Consecutive Successful Launch

Note: More evidence that it does not take a wildly overpriced launch vehicle to achieve an excellent success record. More broadly, India’s space program is off to a good start in 2014, having seen a long awaited fully domestic success with the larger GSLV, and its Mars Orbiter probe functioning nominally on the way to […]

Posted in: India Space
India Achieves Long Awaited Success with the Launch of GSLV

India Achieves Long Awaited Success with the Launch of GSLV

Emerging space power India took another step forward on Sunday with a successful launch of its Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV.  The launch, which took place from the Indian Space Research Organization’s Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 4:18 p.m. India Standard Time, lofted GSAT-14,  a 12 transponder,  1982 kg communications satellite to GTO, where it […]

India Takes First Step to Mars

India Takes First Step to Mars

Rising space power India has successfully launched its MOM, Mars Orbiter Mission on the first leg of an 11 month journey intended to place the 1350 kg spacecraft into orbit around the Red Planet on September 24, 2014. The Mars orbiter was launched into a preliminary parking orbit aboard the highly successful PSLV, Polar Satellite […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars
India Launches PSLV with Canadian Asteroid Searching Satellite

India Launches PSLV with Canadian Asteroid Searching Satellite

India successfully launched its PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) today, carrying into orbit the 410 kg Indo-French built SARAL satellite, intended for ocean monitoring, as well as six other small satellites. Among them was NEOSSat, a Canadian built, suitcase sized satellite which will function as the world’s first space based telescope specifically designed to search for Near Earth Asteroids. Talk […]
