Tag: planet

Earth’s Nearest Exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, May Be a Water World Too

Earth’s Nearest Exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, May Be a Water World Too

In August, the European Southern Observatory announced the discovery of an Earth sized planet orbiting in the habitable, or Goldilocks Zone, of the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri. Given its location just 4.22 light years away, the newfound world is as close to Earth as a potentially life-supporting planet could plausibly be, raising interesting philosophical […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
ESO’s Wednesday Presser: Earth 2.0 at Proxima Centauri?

ESO’s Wednesday Presser: Earth 2.0 at Proxima Centauri?

German rocket pioneer Krafft Ehricke supposedly once said “if God had meant mankind to become a spacefaring species he would have given us a Moon.” Based on that sentiment, tomorrow could be a bad day for atheists. Last month, word began to come out that an Earth sized planet has been discovered in the habitable […]

NASA Announces Discovery of 1,284 New Exoplanets, 9 in “Goldilocks Zone”

NASA Announces Discovery of 1,284 New Exoplanets, 9 in “Goldilocks Zone”

NASA held a teleconference today to announce the confirmed discovery of 1,284 new planets as part of the Kepler Space Telescope’s primary mission. The new batch of planets, the largest found at any one time, bring the total number of new planets discovered by Kepler to 2.325. Of particular interest, the new batch includes 550 […]

Posted in: Exo Planets
Birth of a New Earth: Will We Still Be Around to See It Turn 16?

Birth of a New Earth: Will We Still Be Around to See It Turn 16?

In the best image of its kind to date, ESO’s ALMA captures a protoplanetary disc around the star TW Hydrae, revealing the telltale signature of rings and gaps that indicate planets are in the process of formation. Press Release From the European Southern Observatory: The star TW Hydrae is a popular target of study for […]

NASA’s Spitzer Telescope Captures Cosmic Billiards

NASA’s Spitzer Telescope Captures Cosmic Billiards

Artist’s impression of cosmic billiards around NGC 2547-ID.  Credit: NASA JPL-CalTech NASA/JPL News Story: August 28, 2014 NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has spotted an eruption of dust around a young star, possibly the result of a smashup between large asteroids. This type of collision can eventually lead to the formation of planets. Scientists had been […]
