Tag: Planet Labs

2015 Was The Breakout Year for Investing in Space

2015 Was The Breakout Year for Investing in Space

President Calvin Coolidge famously once said, “the chief business of the American people, is business.” Actually the full quote, made during an address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 1925, was “After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in […]

Posted in: NewSpace, Space Commerce
NewSpace Financing: Monoplies in the Sky

NewSpace Financing: Monoplies in the Sky

Image Credit: Founders Fund An interesting article from WSJ.com from Elon Musk friend and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel challenging the notion that open and widespread competition is an ideal to be pursued. “Americans mythologize competition and credit it with saving us from socialist bread lines. Actually, capitalism and competition are opposites. Capitalism is premised on […]

Posted in: NewSpace
Update: CubeSat Misfire Outside ISS

Update: CubeSat Misfire Outside ISS

Update: A report in SpaceNews on the NanoRacks cubesat deployment problem includes a statement from the company confirming that the issue is electrical rather than mechanical, and is apparently tied to the deployer’s command box, as a new one will be sent to the station on a future supply flight. Deployments are estimated to resume “in […]

Update: Orbital Prepares For Station Launch on Saturday

Update: Orbital Prepares For Station Launch on Saturday

Update: Thunderstorms on Wednesday prevented the roll-out of the Antares booster. As a result, the launch has been delayed to 1:14 pm EDT on Saturday, July 12. Image Credit: OSC Orbital Sciences Corporation is preparing for its next Commercial Resupply Services launch to the International Space Station. Liftoff of the Antares booster carrying the Cygnus […]

Planet Labs Announces 100 Satellite Fleet in LEO

Planet Labs Announces 100 Satellite Fleet in LEO

Coming on the heels of releasing its “Flock 1” of 28 Earth Observation cubesats into Low Earth Orbit from the International Space Station, Planet Labs announced today that it has confirmed launch orders for 100 more of its tiny spacecraft to be carried out over the next year.  The announcement does not specify which boosters […]

Posted in: Space Commerce