Tag: patent

Blue Origin Drops Patent Fight With SpaceX

Blue Origin Drops Patent Fight With SpaceX

Maybe its the fact that they’re soon going to be neighbors at KSC. Or, it could be a matter of bowing to the inevitable and a patent which was shaky at best,  but whatever the real reason, Blue Origin has effectively conceded the dispute regarding its patent for landing a rocket on a sea going […]

SpaceX V. Blue Origin Patent Challenge Steams Ahead

SpaceX V. Blue Origin Patent Challenge Steams Ahead

SpaceX has received what appears to be good news in its challenge of Blue Origin’s patent for a landing a launch vehicle first stage on a barge. The challenge came in the form of an Inter Partes review, a proceeding in which a petitioner can ask for all or parts of a patent to be […]

Posted in: SpaceX
Musk V. Bezos Round II: SpaceX Challenges Blue Origin Sea Landing Patent

Musk V. Bezos Round II: SpaceX Challenges Blue Origin Sea Landing Patent

Blue Origin Patent Illustration In June of 2010, Blue Origin filed for U.S. patent 8678321, which describes the process of landing the returning stage of a reusable launch vehicle onto a barge or floating platform at sea.  The patent drew some attention at the time for two reasons. The first was that it seemed to […]
