Tag: pad abort test

SpaceX Pad Abort Test On Board View

SpaceX Pad Abort Test On Board View

In case you missed it, last week SpaceX released new camera footage from its successful May 6th Pad Abort Test of the Commercial Crew version of the Dragon spacecraft.

With Brilliant Pad Abort Test, SpaceX Sets the Stage for American Space Launch Renaissance

With Brilliant Pad Abort Test, SpaceX Sets the Stage for American Space Launch Renaissance

4 Frames of Pad Abort Test : Image Credit NASA SpaceX took a major step towards regaining U.S. domestic crew launch capability today with a successful Pad Abort Test of its Commercial Crew Dragon capsule. The test widow was originally scheduled to open at 7:00 AM EDT, but was subsequently moved back two hours to […]

SpaceX Completes Review of In-flight Abort Test for 2014

SpaceX Completes Review of In-flight Abort Test for 2014

Below is a NASA press release announcing the completion of a review for SpaceX’s planned in-flight abort test of the Dragon capsule for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program.  It is interesting to note that this test will come after SpaceX has already completed a separate pad abort test earlier in the year.  If both are successful, […]

Blue (Origin) Completes First Crew Abort Demonstration

Blue (Origin) Completes First Crew Abort Demonstration

In yet another positive sign than NewSpace companies working with NASA are pushing the state of the art, Blue Origin released photos and video of a first successful pad escape test featuring its pusher abort system. The test, which took place on Friday at the company’s proving ground in west Texas,  featured a full scale model of its New Shepard suborbital […]
