Tag: Opportunity

A Milestone Accomplished, and a Significant Discovery on Mars

A Milestone Accomplished, and a Significant Discovery on Mars

Curiosity Self Portrait  /   Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS Two noteworthy news stories from Mars. First, NASA’s diminutive but never say die rover Opportunity, which initially began its three month primary mission on the Red Planet 11 years ago, has now traveled a cumulative distance of 26.2 miles. Over the course of that journey, the distance of […]

Posted in: Mars, NASA
After Multiple Resets, NASA Plans to Reboot Rover Flash Memory

After Multiple Resets, NASA Plans to Reboot Rover Flash Memory

NASA News Story: An increasing frequency of computer resets on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has prompted the rover team to make plans to reformat the rover’s flash memory. The resets, including a dozen this month, interfere with the rover’s planned science activities, even though recovery from each incident is completed within a day or […]

Posted in: Mars
A New Iron Age: On Mars

A New Iron Age: On Mars

Image Credit : NASA Sometimes Mars just seems to be begging us to come stay a while. Composites are all the rage on Earth, and perhaps rightfully so. But one planet further out and making use of what is immediately available and our perspective may change somewhat. Take a look at the NASA news story […]

Posted in: Mars
Ten Years Later NASA’s Opportunity Rover is Still Going Strong

Ten Years Later NASA’s Opportunity Rover is Still Going Strong

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ While the flashy new Curiosity rover is celebrating the completion of its first full Martian year,  the much smaller but remarkably resilient Opportunity rover is still going strong in its 10th (Earth) year on Mars.  And as JPL reports, perched on the rim of the Endeavour crater and scoured […]

Posted in: Mars
Across a Martian Vista

Across a Martian Vista

Image Credit NASA/JPL What a magnificent view, and taken by one remarkably hardy little Rover.  How long one wonders, before a similar view becomes the background for the first Martian “selfie” shot with what, the Iphone “M?” JPL Press Release: This vista of the Endeavour Crater rim was acquired by NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity […]

Posted in: Mars
Still Working; Mars Opportunity Rover Takes a Shadow “Selfie”

Still Working; Mars Opportunity Rover Takes a Shadow “Selfie”

Image Credit JPL JPL News Release: Late afternoon lighting produced a dramatic shadow of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity photographed by the rover’s rear hazard-avoidance camera on March 20, 2014. The shadow falls across a slope called the McClure-Beverlin Escarpment on the western rim of Endeavour Crater, where Opportunity is investigating rock layers for evidence […]

Posted in: Mars