Tag: Obama

A View To a Kill: Congress Takes Aim at NASA’s ARM

A View To a Kill: Congress Takes Aim at NASA’s ARM

While NASA watchers are still guessing at what direction the incoming Trump administration will assign to America’s space agency, it is increasingly obvious that it won’t include the outgoing Obama administration’s badly beleaguered and generally unloved Asteroid Redirect Mission, or ARM. That mission would see a small boulder plucked off a Near Earth Asteroid by […]

Posted in: NASA
Congress to Prez: “Kiss My Asteroid”

Congress to Prez: “Kiss My Asteroid”

Congress Give’s President ARM the Finger What may ultimately go down as one of the the strangest and most half-hearted space policy proposals in American history is finally just going down. As spacepolicyonline reports in its usual excruciating detail, a Congressional committee has essentially de-funded the Obama Administration’s Asteroid Redirect Mission, or ARM. Yesterday, the […]

Posted in: Asteroids, Congress
Five Years Later and Looking Back Again

Five Years Later and Looking Back Again

KSC Director Robert Cabana Addresses the Media on the “21st Century Spaceport” Addressing the concerns of his audience at the Kennedy Space Center on April 15th  2010,  President Obama sought to assure NASA and contract employees that the changes his administration was about to institute; cancelling Project Constellation, maintaining ISS, greenlighting Commercial Crew, and setting […]

Posted in: NASA, NewSpace, SpaceX
Five Years Later: Part II

Five Years Later: Part II

Dawn of New Era : KSC Clock Adds Up the Minutes of the First SpaceX Launch to ISS If Project Constellation was the clear victim of President Obama’s Kennedy Space Center address, the immediate beneficiary was without a doubt the International Space Station program. Slated for de-orbit as soon as 2016 in some Constellation planning […]

American Space Policy Five Years Later

American Space Policy Five Years Later

President Obama at the Kennedy Space Center / April 15th 2010.  Image Credit : NASA The following is Part I in a multi-part series looking back at changes in American space policy put forward by President fiove years ago. Wednesday, April 15th was perhaps not the best of days for many Americans. While for those […]

Posted in: Congress, NASA, SLS / Orion
Fox News Surrendering America: Does Space Matter Again?

Fox News Surrendering America: Does Space Matter Again?

Fox News ran a special entitled “Surrendering America” several times over the last weekend in March.  Three of the four segments covered control of the internet, defense spending and energy production, with the theme somewhat predictably being that under the Obama Administration, the U.S. is consciously “retreating” or failing to adequately protect its own interests […]

Posted in: NASA
Lori Garver Departs NASA

Lori Garver Departs NASA

Aside from the launch of Japan’s HTV, it was supposed to be a fairly quiet week in the space arena. After endless bickering over a major budget differences, the U.S. Congress thankfully went on recess until September 9th,  leaving NASA to celebrate in relative peace the one year anniversary of the Mars Science Laboratory’s perilous […]

Posted in: NASA
Dragon Returns Safely (Again), Time to Speed Up Commercial Crew?

Dragon Returns Safely (Again), Time to Speed Up Commercial Crew?

For what is now the fourth time, a Space Exploration Technologies Dragon spacecraft has successfully returned from Earth orbit to a well executed landing in the Pacific ocean.  Following its release from the International Space Station, which took place in the early morning hours, the SpaceX CRS-2 Dragon performed three inital burns, followed by a sustained 10 minute de-oribit burn […]

A Status Quo in Space?

A Status Quo in Space?

In the wake of President Barack Obama’s re-election, analysts in the space community seem to have reached the unsurprising consensus that the result will be a maintenance of the status quo regarding NASA and the nation’s space policy.  With the U.S. House and Senate remaining divided between Republicans and Democrats respectively, the threat of sequestration still looms, but it seems almost […]

As for the Debate…Tesla Motors and Powering a Frontier

As for the Debate…Tesla Motors and Powering a Frontier

It hardly comes as a surprise that the issue of space exploration was not mentioned in the first U.S. Presidential debate on Wednesday evening, and after the dismissive treatment it was given in a prior Republican debate, that might not be a bad thing. The closest approach was probably Mitt Romney’s mention of Tesla Motors,  incorrectly lumped in with Solyndra and Fisker as “loser” examples of […]

Posted in: Mars, Moon, SpaceX