Tag: NK-33

Russian Soyuz 2.1V Fails to Separate Payload

Russian Soyuz 2.1V Fails to Separate Payload

Russia’s Soyuz-U booster, the version which launches crew to ISS may be one of the most reliable rockets in the world, but the other versions bearing the Soyuz name continue to suffer a series of mishaps. On Saturday, Russian conducted the second test launch of a Soyuz 2.1V rocket from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome just under […]

Posted in: Russian Space
Update: Orbital Prepares For Station Launch on Saturday

Update: Orbital Prepares For Station Launch on Saturday

Update: Thunderstorms on Wednesday prevented the roll-out of the Antares booster. As a result, the launch has been delayed to 1:14 pm EDT on Saturday, July 12. Image Credit: OSC Orbital Sciences Corporation is preparing for its next Commercial Resupply Services launch to the International Space Station. Liftoff of the Antares booster carrying the Cygnus […]

Russia Looks at Methane Propulsion for Next Generation Soyuz

Russia Looks at Methane Propulsion for Next Generation Soyuz

With 1,806 launches to its credit,  the most recent a military satellite launched from Plesetsk on June 7th, the Russian Soyuz remains in a class all by itself.  In all likelihood it will remain that way.  Anatoly Zak reports on Russianspaceweb.com today that engineers at Tsskb Progress in Samara, which manufactures the Soyuz booster, are […]

On Launch Day for Antares, An Opportunity for Redemption

On Launch Day for Antares, An Opportunity for Redemption

There are any number of interesting stories surrounding today’s scheduled launch of Orbital Science Corporation’s Antares rocket,  not the least of which is the opportunity for a bit of redemption for Orbital Sciences, for first stage manufacturer Yuzhmash of the Ukraine, and perhaps most of all,  the pair of Soviet built NK-33 main engines, now updated and rebranded as the Aerojet […]

Orbital Hotfire Test Today, SpaceX on Monday

Orbital Hotfire Test Today, SpaceX on Monday

Source:  Washington Post, Spaceflightnow Orbital Sciences Corporation is expected to attempt another hotfire test of the Antares rocket first stage this evening. The test, which will not be broadcast live, should run for 29 seconds,  and will come after a full fuel loading and countdown,  will allow the company to verify the interaction with ground systems at the Mid-Atlantic […]

Launch Updates:   NARO 11/29 ;   Antares Next Year

Launch Updates: NARO 11/29 ; Antares Next Year

After a replacement fueling block from Russia arrived by air on Saturday,  the Korean Aerospace Research Institute has set Nov. 29th as the new tentative  launch date for its NARO rocket.  If all goes as planned, liftoff will occur  at 4:00 PM local time.   This will mark the third and final flight for the NARO, or KSLV-3 as it is formally designated, and the end […]
