Tag: Nelson

Hearing “From Here to Mars” is Cordial, but Not Much Mars

Hearing “From Here to Mars” is Cordial, but Not Much Mars

Following what might be called a “testy Tuesday” which saw a contentious hearing featuring NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Congressman Frank Wolf turn personal,   Wednesday brought the arrival of a wave of bipartisanship in both the House and Senate, at least where the nation’s space program is concerned. First, the House Science, Space and Technology […]

Posted in: Congress, Mars
SLS and the Sense of Congress

SLS and the Sense of Congress

In one of its final acts the 1112th Congress passed the Space Exploration Sustainability Act,  a bill originally introduced on December 4th by newly re-elected Senator  Bill Nelson of Florida, and retiring Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas.  The primary purpose of the legislation was to secure space launch liability indemnification for another year, (the House wanted two years) and to […]

Senator Nelson Joins the fight for Commercial Crew

Senator Nelson Joins the fight for Commercial Crew

Perhaps sensing the potential benefits for his home state. Florida Senator Bill Nelson has come down decisively on the side of Commercial Crew in the ongoing debate. Accordng to an article in Florida Today, the Senate Democrat referred to the House appropriations committee edict to down select to a single provider now as “silliness.’  What once appeared […]
