Tag: n1

NASA’s Warp Drive Research Gets an Enterprising Makeover

NASA’s Warp Drive Research Gets an Enterprising Makeover

The story itself is not new, with the popular press reporting on the Alcubierre/warp drive theory NASA’s Dr. Sonny White has been working on for several years now, but the images ….. oh my. Gizmodo has an article out providing some graphic renderings of a warp drive starship which would roughly fit within dimensions suggested […]

NASA Research at South Pole Reveals Gravitational Waves, Birth of the Universe

NASA Research at South Pole Reveals Gravitational Waves, Birth of the Universe

  NASA/JPL News Story March 17, 2014 Astronomers are announcing today that they have acquired the first direct evidence that gravitational waves rippled through our infant universe during an explosive period of growth called inflation. This is the strongest confirmation yet of cosmic inflation theories, which say the universe expanded by 100 trillion trillion times, […]

Posted in: Space Science
Detailed NASA Budget Bad News for Europa, Propellant Depot Advocates

Detailed NASA Budget Bad News for Europa, Propellant Depot Advocates

NASA released the particulars of its FY 2015 budget request yesterday, and the 713 page document revealed some disappointing news on two programs with long term implications. The first issue is the very tenuous support for a new outer planets mission to Jupiter’s enigmatic moon, Europa.  Probably second only to Mars in terms of the […]

Posted in: NASA