90 Days to Mars

90 Days to Mars

90 Days to Mars? With NASA being shut down, it seems like a particularly appropriate time to visit a recent FISO (Future in Space Operations) presentation covering an interesting proposal which will likely never be funded.  The presentation, (PDF) and audio file are archived here, a University of Texas site, which is not shut down. […]

Posted in: Mars
NASA OIG Report Raises More Questions About MPCV/Orion

NASA OIG Report Raises More Questions About MPCV/Orion

NASA’s Office of Inspector General released a report on the Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle (Orion) today, and almost irrespective of your point of view, it should be a more than a little troubling.  The report’s principle conclusion is that due to what is described as a “constrained budget environment” the Lockheed Martin built capsule is […]

Posted in: NASA, SLS / Orion