Tag: MOM

India Celebrates One Year At Mars With Downloadable Atlas

India Celebrates One Year At Mars With Downloadable Atlas

India is celebrating the one year anniversary of the arrival of its Mars Orbiter Mission, MOM, in orbit at the Red Planet today. To mark the event, the Indian Space Research Organization has released an extensive Mars Atlas (pdf) available for download. From ISRO: “The images from MCC have provided unique information about Mars at […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars
“Hope” for the Middle East: UAE Introduces its Mars Orbiter Mission

“Hope” for the Middle East: UAE Introduces its Mars Orbiter Mission

The United Arab Emirates has provided quite a bit more information on the Mars orbiter mission it announced last year. Named Hope, it would launch in 2020, and arrive at Mars in 2021, in time to highlight the 50th anniversary of the founding of UAE. Its scientific objective is to provide the first complete holistic […]

Posted in: Mars
India Caps Breakout Year With GSLV-III / Crew Capsule Suborbital Launch

India Caps Breakout Year With GSLV-III / Crew Capsule Suborbital Launch

Capsule Recovery : ISRO Although the upper stage was inert,  the launch was suborbital and the capsule was an uncrewed re-entry demonstrator, rising space power India took a major step into the future with the December 18th launch of the GSLV Mk-III booster carrying the CARE crew module. Coming on the heels of the successful […]

Posted in: GSLV, India Space
India Celebrates a MOM Safe at Mars

India Celebrates a MOM Safe at Mars

Two days after NASA hailed the arrival of its MAVEN spacecraft at the Red Planet, rising space power India is now celebrating the successful orbital insertion of its own; MOM, or Mars Orbital Mission. From the Indian space Research Organization Press Release: “India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft successfully entered into an orbit around planet Mars today […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars
Maven Arrives at Mars, India’s MOM Two Days Away

Maven Arrives at Mars, India’s MOM Two Days Away

Image Credit: NASA Following a 10 month interplanetary cruise after launch from Cape Canaveral on November 18th 2013, NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) orbiter arrived successfully at the Red Planet on Sunday evening. Orbital insertion was achieved at 10:24 PM EDT, with the aid of a 33 minute burn of the six main […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars
India Ascending

India Ascending

For the moment at least, India is standing atop the world launch industry. On June 30, India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C23) lifted off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharti flying over the Bay of Bengal into a Sun Synchronous Orbit where it successfully placed its main payload, the 714 kg Spot-7 Earth […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars
India Achieves Long Awaited Success with the Launch of GSLV

India Achieves Long Awaited Success with the Launch of GSLV

Emerging space power India took another step forward on Sunday with a successful launch of its Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV.  The launch, which took place from the Indian Space Research Organization’s Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 4:18 p.m. India Standard Time, lofted GSAT-14,  a 12 transponder,  1982 kg communications satellite to GTO, where it […]

India Takes First Step to Mars

India Takes First Step to Mars

Rising space power India has successfully launched its MOM, Mars Orbiter Mission on the first leg of an 11 month journey intended to place the 1350 kg spacecraft into orbit around the Red Planet on September 24, 2014. The Mars orbiter was launched into a preliminary parking orbit aboard the highly successful PSLV, Polar Satellite […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars