Tag: Modi

India Roars to Orbit With GSLV-D6

India Roars to Orbit With GSLV-D6

Shirking off rainy weather, India’s GSLV-D6 rocket lifted off today at 4:52 PM IST from the Sriharikota Space Center, carrying the 2,117 kg GSAT 6 communications satellite to geosynchronous transfer orbit on its way to a final position at 83 East. The flight, the 9th of the series overall, appears to have been flawless, marking […]

India Celebrates a MOM Safe at Mars

India Celebrates a MOM Safe at Mars

Two days after NASA hailed the arrival of its MAVEN spacecraft at the Red Planet, rising space power India is now celebrating the successful orbital insertion of its own; MOM, or Mars Orbital Mission. From the Indian space Research Organization Press Release: “India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft successfully entered into an orbit around planet Mars today […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars