Tag: Maven

First Results From Maven

First Results From Maven

Original NASA Caption: Three views of an escaping atmosphere, obtained by MAVEN’s Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph. By observing all of the products of water and carbon dioxide breakdown, MAVEN’s remote sensing team can characterize the processes that drive atmospheric loss on Mars.  Image Credit: University of Colorado/NASA NASA News Release RELEASE 14-285 NASA Mission Provides Its […]

Posted in: Mars
India Celebrates a MOM Safe at Mars

India Celebrates a MOM Safe at Mars

Two days after NASA hailed the arrival of its MAVEN spacecraft at the Red Planet, rising space power India is now celebrating the successful orbital insertion of its own; MOM, or Mars Orbital Mission. From the Indian space Research Organization Press Release: “India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft successfully entered into an orbit around planet Mars today […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars
Maven Arrives at Mars, India’s MOM Two Days Away

Maven Arrives at Mars, India’s MOM Two Days Away

Image Credit: NASA Following a 10 month interplanetary cruise after launch from Cape Canaveral on November 18th 2013, NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) orbiter arrived successfully at the Red Planet on Sunday evening. Orbital insertion was achieved at 10:24 PM EDT, with the aid of a 33 minute burn of the six main […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars
Maven Prepares For Mars Gravity Capture Tonight

Maven Prepares For Mars Gravity Capture Tonight

Image Credit: NASA/GSFC NASA Press Release: NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft is nearing its scheduled Sept. 21 insertion into Martian orbit after completing a 10-month interplanetary journey of 442 million miles. Flight Controllers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Littleton, Colorado, will be responsible for the health and safety of the spacecraft […]

Posted in: Mars
More “InSight”  into Launch Costs

More “InSight” into Launch Costs

On December 19th,  NASA awarded the launch contract for the 2016 Mars Insight Mission to United Launch Alliance,  to be carried out aboard an Atlas V 401, for $160 million.  The award is interesting for a number of reasons. In the first place, ULA does not like to reveal  its launch prices if there  any […]

If I Like My Space Program, Can I Keep It?

If I Like My Space Program, Can I Keep It?

As with so much else, nobody really knows.  In the week which came between two launches towards the one destination almost everyone agrees is the ultimate goal of human spaceflight, at least at current technology levels, three press events shed a little light on the upcoming decision point facing the American space program.  First, the […]

India Takes First Step to Mars

India Takes First Step to Mars

Rising space power India has successfully launched its MOM, Mars Orbiter Mission on the first leg of an 11 month journey intended to place the 1350 kg spacecraft into orbit around the Red Planet on September 24, 2014. The Mars orbiter was launched into a preliminary parking orbit aboard the highly successful PSLV, Polar Satellite […]

Posted in: India Space, Mars