Tag: lunar

Russia Still Wants to Send Tourists Around the Moon

Russia Still Wants to Send Tourists Around the Moon

A long touted lunar circumnavigation for space tourists is back in the news with reports from Russia that RSC Energia now has 8 possible candidates for the mission, which would take place aboard a specially modified Soyuz. The story from Sputniknews, actually quotes an interview from another paper Izvestia, which somewhat paradoxically (or not) made […]

Astrobotic Technology Introduces New Lunar Lander, Luxembourg Reaches For it All

Astrobotic Technology Introduces New Lunar Lander, Luxembourg Reaches For it All

Two recent news items highlight the slow, but steady progress being made to set the stage for the robotic exploration and utilization of space beyond low Earth orbit. First, the tiny European nation of Luxembourg, already home to two of the world’s largest ComSat companies, announced a new initiative, called spaceresources.lu  to promote space mining and […]

Posted in: Asteroids, Moon