Tag: Le Gall

An Update on Europe’s Ariane Conumdrum

An Update on Europe’s Ariane Conumdrum

Artists concept of the Ariane VI Two related items in Space News point to the growing conundrum facing Arianespace as it attempts to devise a strategy for combating the emergence of SpaceX and the Falcon 9. After repeatedly downplaying any impact from SpaceX (and generally dissing the company, its rocket and its founder) during much of […]

First Ariane V of 2013 Lifts off From South America

First Ariane V of 2013 Lifts off From South America

Kicking off a full 2013 launch campaign,  an Ariane V ECA heavy lift booster carrying two satellites lifted off from the CSG space center in French Guiana today, and in the process established a record performance of  placing 10,317 kg into GTO.  The larger of the two satellites,  the 6,265 kg Amazonas 3, was built by Space Systems/Loral Satellite for Spanish operator Hispasat. […]

Posted in: Space Commerce