Tag: Iran

Iran Launches Monkey on Suborbital Flight

Iran Launches Monkey on Suborbital Flight

Source: Fars News Agency Iran announced today that it has successfully launched a small monkey on a suborbital flight. This marks the second primate launch attempt for Iran, the first of which apparently ended in failure, and the death of the test subject, in September of 2011.  Today’s attempt was carried out by the Ministry of Defence’s […]

North Korea, ITAR, and the Janus Coin of Launch Technology

North Korea, ITAR, and the Janus Coin of Launch Technology

North Korea’s December 11 launch of its first satellite has justifiably drawn an enormous degree of criticism due to the clear military rationale behind the program, as well as the sad contrast of resources placed into it at the same time the economic failures of the totalitarian regime keep much of the population at a starvation […]
