Tag: infrared

Water Ice Clouds Detected on Brown Dwarf 7.3 Light Years Away

Water Ice Clouds Detected on Brown Dwarf 7.3 Light Years Away

Artists Conception : Credit Rob Gizis, CUNY BMCC An astronomer at Penn State University appears to discovered the first ever direct evidence of water ice clouds on another world.  That world is WISE J0855-0714, an enigmatic brown dwarf of “failed star” located only 7.3 light years from Earth. The discovery was made using images from […]

Capturing Infrared Radiation With Silicone Solar Cells

Capturing Infrared Radiation With Silicone Solar Cells

Researchers in Spain with the Spanish National Resource Council have discovered a means of harvesting infrared radiation and concerting it into electricity using silicone solar cells. Abstract from Nature Communications: “Silicone is the material of choice for visible light photodetection and solar cell fabrication. However, due to the intrinsic band gap properties of silicon, most […]

Posted in: Solar Power