Tag: ILS

Russian Aerospace Free Fall : Another Proton Fails

Russian Aerospace Free Fall : Another Proton Fails

Screen Capture of Proton MexSat-1 Launch The Russian aerospace industry suffered a new failure overnight as another Proton booster, this one operating for U.S. marketer International Launch Services, failed to reach orbit. The failure occurred approximately one minute before the payload, with Briz-M upper stage still attached, was supposed to separate from the rocket’s 3rd […]

Posted in: Russian Space
Proton Problems Persist

Proton Problems Persist

Russia may soon need its own trampoline. Overnight, a Russian Proton-M booster lifted off from Baikonur carrying the Express AM4R communications satellite built by EADS Astrium.  Like all too many Proton payloads in recent years, it did not reach the correct orbit, or in this case, any orbit at all. Instead it suffered a complete […]

Posted in: Russian Space
Proton Boosts Two Satellites to Orbit

Proton Boosts Two Satellites to Orbit

The Proton, Russia’s largest booster, continued its successful entry into 2014 with the March 16 launch of two communications satellites.  Liftoff out of the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan took place at 3:08 am Moscow time, (7:08 pm EDT) and the Breeze M upper stage placed the Express AT-1 and Express AT-2 satellites into geostationary orbit […]

Posted in: Russian Space
Proton Returns to Flight with Satellite Launch

Proton Returns to Flight with Satellite Launch

Source: RIA Novosti, Russianspaceweb A Russian built Proton rocket successfully lifted off from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on Tuesday. Operated by International Launch Services, the booster blasted off shortly before midnight at 23:06 Moscow time, (7:06 pm GMT) and placed the Space Systems/Loral SatMex-8 telecommunications satellite into geostationary transfer orbit with 5 burns of the Briz-M upperstage. The flight was the first […]

Posted in: Russian Space
Russian Space :  New Year, Old Problems?

Russian Space : New Year, Old Problems?

Source: Russianspaceweb.com The year 2012 was a difficult one for the Russian space program, which ended on a sour note when its workhorse Proton boosted placed a Yamal-402 satellite  in the wrong orbit.  It was eventually boosted to the correct orbit using onboard fuel, albeit at a cost to its expected lifespan.  This came on the heals of […]

Posted in: Russian Space
Proton Puts Gazprom Satellite in Wrong Orbit

Proton Puts Gazprom Satellite in Wrong Orbit

Source RIA Novosti: A Russian Proton-M rocket marked by International Launch Services failed to place a Gazprom Space Systems communications satellite into the correct orbit following a  5:13 PM launch (Moscow time)  from the Baikononur Space Center in Kazakstan on  Saturday, December 8.  According to early reports, the Yamal-402 satellite,  built by Thales Alenia and consisting of 46 KU band transponders, separated four minutes earlier […]

Consolidating the Russian Space Industry

Consolidating the Russian Space Industry

Source: RIANOVSTI It would perhaps be more than a little overreach to describe the state of the Russian space industry as a “train wreck,” but news that a Proton rocket, scheduled to launch the Satmex-8 telecommunications satellite  was damaged during rail transport last week  and will be need to be replaced, does little to bolster confidence in the […]

Establishing a Price to GTO

Establishing a Price to GTO

According to an article in SpaceNews,  Asiasat has recently placed a launch order with ILS for a Proton launch as a hedge against possible delays in the introduction of the Falcon 9 V1.1.  Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the article is the fact that it contains pricing information for both launch vehicles. Specifically, SpaceX pricing for both Asiasat launches […]
