India Caps Breakout Year With GSLV-III / Crew Capsule Suborbital Launch

India Caps Breakout Year With GSLV-III / Crew Capsule Suborbital Launch

Capsule Recovery : ISRO Although the upper stage was inert,  the launch was suborbital and the capsule was an uncrewed re-entry demonstrator, rising space power India took a major step into the future with the December 18th launch of the GSLV Mk-III booster carrying the CARE crew module. Coming on the heels of the successful […]

Posted in: GSLV, India Space
India Achieves Long Awaited Success with the Launch of GSLV

India Achieves Long Awaited Success with the Launch of GSLV

Emerging space power India took another step forward on Sunday with a successful launch of its Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV.  The launch, which took place from the Indian Space Research Organization’s Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 4:18 p.m. India Standard Time, lofted GSAT-14,  a 12 transponder,  1982 kg communications satellite to GTO, where it […]
