Tag: Great Britain

British Astronaut Launches to ISS, Great Britain Launches a Space Policy

British Astronaut Launches to ISS, Great Britain Launches a Space Policy

At 6:03 AM EST this morning, a Soyuz rocket blasted off from the Baikonour Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan carrying the TMA-19 crew to the International Space Station. The crew, as is often the case, was a microcosm of the ISS partnership itself, consisting of astronauts from the U.S. and European Union, as well as the one […]

Posted in: British Space
Lunar Mission One Aims to Crowdsource the Moon

Lunar Mission One Aims to Crowdsource the Moon

Image Credit: Lunar Mission One Lunar Mission One, a private effort aimed at drilling at least 20 meters deep into the Moon’s South pole was announced in London today. As with an increasing number of missions, inital funding is being sought through a crowd-sourced KickStarter campaign. In this case key incentives are a digital memory […]
