Tag: gigafactory

Battery Advances , Gigafactory Offer Enormous Potential For Tesla

Battery Advances , Gigafactory Offer Enormous Potential For Tesla

  The Motley Fool seemingly issues a story about Tesla Motors every six hours, and who can blame them.  Tesla is one of the most fascinating corporate stories ever, even without the tie to SpaceX. Nevertheless, the two have been linked heavily this week in the disputed story regarding SpaceX financing.  As Tesla’s stock continues to […]

Posted in: Tesla
Solar City’s Push Towards Vertical Integration

Solar City’s Push Towards Vertical Integration

    Last week, what many think of as Elon Musk’d third company, Solar City, announced that it was purchasing Silevo, a comparatively small manufacturer of solar panels.  For Solar City, whose business is built on installing and often leasing solar power systems, not manufacturing them, the decision marks a change in strategy. The reason […]

Posted in: Solar Power
New Approaches for Capturing, Storing Solar Power

New Approaches for Capturing, Storing Solar Power

Several items regarding solar power.  First a press release from Chinese solar company Trina Solar, which working with the Australian National University has developed solar cells with conversion efficiencies above 24%.  The current average global average is around 15%. Next the Guardian takes a look at a promising crystal structure called perovskites, and how they […]

Posted in: Solar Power