Tag: GAO

Why SpaceX, Boeing Won and Dream Chaser Lost: NASA’s Source Selection Explained

Why SpaceX, Boeing Won and Dream Chaser Lost: NASA’s Source Selection Explained

Following the GAO’s denial of bid protest lodged by Sierra Nevada Corporation on January 5, NASA released late last week, a redacted version of its Source Selection Statement for the final phase of Commercial Crew program. Its official name is Commercial Crew Transportation Capability Contract, or CCtCap.  Now, the GAO has released a similarly redacted […]

GAO Denies SNC Dream Chaser Protest

GAO Denies SNC Dream Chaser Protest

Dream Deferred: Image Credit SNC The New Year did not bring good news for Sierra Nevada and its Dream Chaser space plane. As most expected would be the case, the GAO notified SNC that it is denying the company’s protest over NASA’s Commercial Crew award to Boeing and SpaceX. GAO said in part: “In making […]

Sierra Nevada Lodges GAO Protest Over Dream Chaser Loss

Sierra Nevada Lodges GAO Protest Over Dream Chaser Loss

Image Credit: Sierra Nevada Corporation On Friday, Sierra Nevada Corporation lodged a formal complaint with the GAO regarding its loss with the Dream Chaser spaceplane in NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. The challenge was not unexpected, and as the press release included below indicates, is largely based on the considerable price differential between SpaceX and Boeing […]

New GAO Report Blasts NASA’s Accounting for SLS/Orion

New GAO Report Blasts NASA’s Accounting for SLS/Orion

The GAO has released a new report, which is harshly critical of NASA’s accounting procedures for the Space Launch System, Orion spacecraft, and the ground systems being built to handle them. The report, which was requested by retiring Senator Tom Coburn, a frequent critic of government overspending, is not so much an examination of the […]

Posted in: SLS / Orion
Annual GAO Report Highlights Exploding Costs of EELV

Annual GAO Report Highlights Exploding Costs of EELV

“Over the past year, the 80 programs of the 2013 portfolio have grown by a total of $12.6 billion, a net cost increase nearly all attributable to the significant procurement cost associated with one program—the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle.” And that’s just from the front page. In what is becoming a repeated annual refrain, the […]

Posted in: EELV
SpaceX and ULA Offer Competing Views in Senate Hearing

SpaceX and ULA Offer Competing Views in Senate Hearing

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee held a sub-committee hearing this morning to examine changes taking place in the Department of Defense Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Program (EELV.) Prior to today’s hearing, the GAO released a report regarding cost accounting in the EELV program, and like a number of prior reports it leaves the clear impression […]

Posted in: EELV
Counting the Costs of EELV

Counting the Costs of EELV

The GAO has released its annual Defense Acquisitions Assessment of Selected Weapons Programs report(PDF), and as usual, it portrays a defense establishment which seems to confirm President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s  worst predictions.  Among the gems where defense space programs are concerned, here are the winners, with the growth in current estimated total acquisition cost versus the original program estimates. […]
