Tag: Galileo

Black Friday: Arianespace Soyuz Places GPS Satellites in Wrong Orbit

Black Friday: Arianespace Soyuz Places GPS Satellites in Wrong Orbit

It was something of a Black Friday for the launch industry yesterday. In addition to the SpaceX F9-R “explosion” in Texas, a bizarre story has emerged regarding an Arianespace launch which happened the same day. The launch, which took place aboard a Russian built commercial Soyuz out of French Guiana and under the Arianespace banner, […]

Europa: A Salty Piece of Land?

Europa: A Salty Piece of Land?

  A team of scientists working at NASA’s JPL and Cal-Tech studying Jupiter’s moon Europa, have found evidence of a chemical exchange between the frozen, radiation swept surface and a liquid ocean which is believed to exist beneath an ice pack nearly 60 miles thick. Using spectrographic analysis of surface ice taken from the Keck II telescope […]

Posted in: Outer Planets