Tag: French Guiana

Second Vega Launch Attempt This Evening

Second Vega Launch Attempt This Evening

  After scrubbing a previous launch attempt due to high level winds in the upper atmosphere, Arianespace has rescheduled the launch of the second Vega rocket for this evening, May 6th, at 10:06:31 p.m. Eastern.  The launch will take place from the  Guiana Space Center, which the consortium also humbly calls The Spaceport,  in Kourou, French Guiana. Launch coverage will be provided […]

1800 Launches for the Soyuz Booster

1800 Launches for the Soyuz Booster

Monday saw the  1,800th launch of the Russian Soyuz booster, a rocket updated, but also still very recognizable, as an immediate successor to the radio guided R-7 ballistic missile which was first planned in 1953. The record-setting launch, conducted from the space launch facility at Baikonur in Kazakhstan,  was carried out on the Soyuz-U variety of the venerable rocket, which boosted a Russian Progress freighter to the International Space Station. The […]

Posted in: Russian Space
First Ariane V of 2013 Lifts off From South America

First Ariane V of 2013 Lifts off From South America

Kicking off a full 2013 launch campaign,  an Ariane V ECA heavy lift booster carrying two satellites lifted off from the CSG space center in French Guiana today, and in the process established a record performance of  placing 10,317 kg into GTO.  The larger of the two satellites,  the 6,265 kg Amazonas 3, was built by Space Systems/Loral Satellite for Spanish operator Hispasat. […]

Posted in: Space Commerce