Tag: Frank Wolf

Will the Success of “Gravity” Impact the Future of the ISS?

Will the Success of “Gravity” Impact the Future of the ISS?

Slight Spoiler Warning: Does the surprising success of the motion picture “Gravity” foretell an ominous future for the International Space Station?  Leaving aside the numerous logical gaps in the movie, which to some least, are even more disconcerting in an effort which otherwise succeeds in achieving a hyper realism than they would be in a […]

Posted in: NASA, Space Stations
Hysteria in Full Bloom : NASA Technical Server Taken Off Line

Hysteria in Full Bloom : NASA Technical Server Taken Off Line

  “The NASA technical reports server will be unavailable for public access while the agency conducts a review of the site’s content to ensure that it does not contain technical information that is subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations and that the appropriate reviews were performed. The site will return to service when […]

Posted in: NASA